All posts by admin_dara_wp

What I’ve been up to lately


Knowsy  (edtech, e-learning, video content)                                                    

Knowsy is a disruptive, new short-format video content platform led by proven entrepreneur, Alisa Volkman, and backed by a great collection of VCs and private investors. Knowsy is focused on creating the most simple and addictive way to consume clean, concise, instructional, and educational videos that are optimized for mobile users and social distribution. My work entails assisting with overall content strategy, product development, and managing editorial operations.

• Generate competitive analysis reports highlighting potential business and product development opportunities 

• Research the latest e-learning and edtech market trends to highlight potential areas for growth and development 

• Oversee and manage all content needs including article copy, scripts, and video text

• Provide weekly recommendation and insight reports based on the latest trends in social, marketing, SEO, and anything else relevant to Knowsy’s overall product development and business strategy

• Put systems in place so that editorial production runs as smoothly as possible in the start-up environment

• Work directly with our CTO on mapping out product needs and development plans

• Oversee content development that delivers on both direct-to-consumer and enterprise needs

• Ensure that all content upholds Knowsy’s style guide and standards 

• Optimize all content for SEO on site and on YouTube


Lesley Jane Seymour’s Covey Club  (content, membership, e-commerce)         

CoveyClub is a membership supported online-offline experience that connects women across the country and around the world and helps them live their most authentic lives. This is achieved via small intimate events, salons nationwide, and with interactive content written and produced by the leading journalists in the world.

Lesley Jane Seymour is the former editor in chief of many magazines you know and love, from More to Marie Claire to Redbook.  She’s spent her life dedicated to helping women change the world.

• Assist with optimizing website for maximum user engagement; provide UX recommendations and define tech and design needs

• Generate competitive research and highlight potential growth opportunities

• Collaborate on creation of membership structuring and pricing

• Provide recommendations on ways to cut costs around content development and production

• Report on the latest trends, best practices, and tools across social marketing, newsletter marketing, and audience development

• Assist with sourcing talent


Sat Nam babe  (e-commerce, content)                                                                       

Sat Nam babe is a socially conscious line of play and yoga clothing for kids under five and babies. Founder and yogi, Jen Coulombe, is committed to providing ethically manufactured clothing and inspiring our youngest citizens to make the world a better place. 

• Provide recommendations on social strategy in order to increase followers, customer engagement, and sales

• Assist with PR efforts to increase brand awareness

• Provide recommendations for website improvement + optimization

• Help devise content marketing strategies to increase brand engagement



I’m the living embodiment of a unicorn: I understand the print and digital content business. I have experience with audience development, editorial, social, and product. I’m scrappy, self-taught, passionate, and reliable. My specialty is helping companies in their early stages to strategize around product/market fit, product development, and content marketing. On a personal level, when I truly believe in a product, I’m a CEO’s biggest cheerleader and advocate. I appreciate that being an entrepreneur can be terrifying and lonely at times, and that’s when I’m the voice that says “you can do this, here’s how.”


WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING:                                                                    

“Having been involved in the women’s media space for years, I’ve come across a lot of great people. Every once in awhile, I come across a great
TALENT. Dara is one of those extraordinary talents.”

-Michael Streefland, Communication & Content Strategy, Facebook Global Marketing Solutions


“Dara is a total pro. She understands the digital media space better than most, and is hard-working, problem-solving, and savvy.”

-Laura Redmond, Digital Editorial Director Conde Nast Traveler


“Dara understands digital content – and how to translate it in a way that works for the web, both from a social and a UX perspective. She has a brilliant sense of humor, manages an overwhelming workload without blinking an eye, and is the person you can rely on day and day out to get the job done quickly, without compromising quality. “

-Andrea Zimmerman, Senior Manager Revenue Strategy & Solutions, Disney Interactive


“Dara simply gets things done, and done beautifully. She is an exceptional and clear writer with endless initiative and drive. Because she’s also well-organized and great at thinking on her feet, I have been known to give her open-ended tasks, confident that she would return with all the information I needed, plus a few extra things I hadn’t anticipated. She’s a great asset to any dynamic team.”

-Katherine Tasheff, Director of Web Services, Montclair State University


If you’d like to learn more about how I can help you, please reach out: